
KWHC@P Rocks - Positive Feedback

Yesterday I had a one-on-one with a man who was trying to get movies to work on his home computer. After a long chat about codecs and Windows Media Player he mentioned that the real issue has to do with his video card. The issue aside as the man was discussing his issue with me he mentioned he had been to another C@P site and a gentleman had been very helpful - he called him Steve. I immediately knew it was the other Windsor C@P site and we both began to talk about how great he is with computers. I helped the man as much a I could but it was really nice to hear such great feedback about one of our own! Way to go :).

"Have you said something positive about someone, when they're not even in the room?"


  1. yea I talked on the phone with him for awhile he never did come in here thou.its hard to give tech support over the phone especially when they don't have internet.

  2. I've actually talked to him as well and I'm glad you finally figured it out. As Stephen said, it's hard to give tech support over the phone. Great job Megan
