
What have I done today to be helpful?

Last Thursday Afternoon an older lady came in to VANSDA and told me her laptop was completely broken and she didn't know what to do. So I told her I'd see what I could do. Turns out she has had the laptop for a year, but has never once done an update. So while she was on her computer the night before it had just shut down on her. So we charged it up, and installed the updates. She had no idea what an "update" was. So I briefly explained to her where her updates were, and showed her how to go in and set them up automatically. She came into my office and sat down with me and we had a nice conversation about technology and computers. She told me she's always really been against it because she feels technology is taking away from the personal relationships people have (face to face). I told her that I agree on some levels, but that it is also connecting people all over the world! She told me the only thing she knows how to do on her computer is turn it off and on, go to the internet, and check her e-mails.
This lady is coming back on Thursday afternoon for a one on one tutorial with me on basic computer knowledge =)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great story =) Good job showing technologies good side!

  3. Good job! Sounds like you're working your computer magic!

  4. That's a great "lollipop" moment! (See Drew Dudley link if you don't know what this is!)

  5. Awesome! I bet at the end of her sessions with you she'll see some of the more personal, positive benefits of technology :)!
