
What have I done today to be good to myself?

What have I done today to be good to myself?

Today I didn't have to wake up early because last night I made sure all my things were ready for me to walk out the door. By doing this I gave myself an extra half an hour to sleep in. I really like it when I'm proactive so future me can be lazy.

What have I done today to make it more likely I will learn something?

Also while I was being proactive last night I downloaded a new version of Adobe Photoshop (CS5). I'm hoping that with this 30 day trial I may be able to learn a few new design techniques and tips that I didn't know before.

Have you said something positive about someone, when they’re not even in the room?

I don't know if this counts, but some of my good friends went home to Ottawa for the summer. When talking to another friend we both realized that we miss our friends who had left. We then started to chat about each person and reflect on the qualities they had that we missed. Shout out to my peeps in Ottawa!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, Wes! I'm glad you were able to answer all of these in one!
