

First of all C@P day has been fun .. we don't get A LOT of people here at the VANSDA office, but a few and they have all been really happy when they walk in and see all of the refreshments and decorations I have set up, so its been nice!
I feel like I've been slacking TERRIBLY on my 6 questions, so I'm just going to shoot off all 6 right now :)

1. What have I done today to be helpful?
Today my supervisor and I hung streamers across the ceiling of our C@P site area, she did not want to stand on a chair to tape the ends to the ceiling, so I did it for her :) .

2. What have I done today to make it more likely I will learn something?
My office door is very close to the C@P site entrance, so I CAN be seen, but today I stood outside of my office and walked around, fiddled with the food and decorations making sure everything was in order, greeted people as they came in, and served them cake. I think just making yourself more AVAILABLE opens you up to learn something new :)
3. What have I done today to make it more likely some ELSE will learn something?
Today for C@P Day I did C@P site trivia! I have prizes that I am giving out to C@P Site users. The questions were all computer related/C@P related questions.
4. Have I done something positive about someone to their face?
Today I told my supervisor that I loved her eye makeup. A bit silly? Maybe.. but she seemed to really appreciate it and seemed surprised that I'd mentioned it. It put a smile on her face, so it put one on mine!
5. Have you said something positive about someone, when they’re note even in the room?
Today after one of our C@P Site users had left I told one of my co-workers "you know, that lady is really a sweetheart". She comes in everyday looking on jobbank. I really hope she finds something soon!
6. What have I done today to be good to myself?
And last but CERTAINLY not least! Today I have been having the best day.. and still am. I really got into the C@P day spirit.. to the point where everyone here at the VANSDA office has been laughing at me. We hung up streamers, we have a big table out front full of punch, chips. candy, fruit tray, veggie tray, and balloons hanging from the ceiling! Doing all this was so fun for me. (I have also been indulging in the treats throughout the day.. so THIS is good for me :) ) !


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